Saturday, 13 August 2011



Been going through a very difficult, painful time.  Like I said in a previous post my boyfriend of 6 years left me for someone else.

He will now no longer speak to me even though he said he wanted to stay friends.  His family seem to now hate me.  I am fed up of feeling like this.  I have been suicidal of late and have been close to ending my life several times.  I don't think I could possibly be much lower than how I feel right now.

I had to go to a mental health place and get assessed but they couldn't help me even though i'm a danger to myself.  I was supposed to have counselling but they said it won't help me.

I feel like no one can help me.  I don't feel as though I have anything to live for.  I have no job, my boyfriend/best friend has left me and my family is a mess.  Financially I have nothing to live on as I have a loan and credit card etc to pay along with my phone contact and car insurance...I am just living on what's in my bank account which is rapidly running out.  I can't get a job in the state I am in as I know I either won't stick at it because of my depression or i'll get sacked.

I really need to get off this Island.  I don't want to see him and her together acting all happy.  I want some happiness.  People keep telling me to leave here and go to the UK and start a fresh.  I am so tempted but I just worry about my pets.  I don't know how I would go about taking them over.  All I know is that I can't cope here anymore.  The place is nothing but painful memories now.  I need a new start.  It's the only hope I have.

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