Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Fed Up...

Does anyone read this?  No?  Thought not.
Not sure I see the point anymore.
However...it beats screaming into a pillow I suppose.

I am...beyond fed up.
My life is awful.
No one gives a flying....

I am sick of the past being thrown in my face.
I am sick of people not understanding how upset I get...and continuing to insult me and have a pop at me.
I am sick of people feeling the need to bring me down when I am feeling good for once.
I am sick of people only thinking about themselves and not caring about others.
I am sick of people only talking to me when they want something.
I am sick of people taking the F****** P*** all the F****** time.
I am sick of feeling like this.
I want a F****** life!!!!!

Every F****** thing I do is a F****** problem to people.
Why?  It's MY LIFE.  Let me F****** live it how I F****** want to!!!!!

I am so F****** FED UP.

I do not need this constant crap in my so-called life.
I want to do things, see people, have a laugh without being questioned about it by people all the time.

I need to get away from here...it's all I think about.
What do I have here?  Grief?  Fantastic.

My dad is borderline leaving my mum now thanks to my poor excuse of a sibling who makes life hell.
My mum is ill with stress and anxiety and is housebound.
We are completely broke and can't afford the house.
I can't work as i'm not mentally well enough due to all this S*** surrounding me every F****** day!!!!
I have no support from anyone.
The only person who seemed to give a F*** turned out he didn't after all and left me.
The person who I am trying so F****** hard to hang on to doesn't seem to want to know.
Friends?  Who?  No one wants to know me like this.
I'm sorry i'm not F****** perfect everyone but neither are you!!!
Mistakes are made and my god haven't I made a F*** load.

Everyone can just leave me the F*** alone.
Then I can't possibly do anything to P*** anyone off!!!!!

F*** IT!

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