Basically when Helen was 14 and I was 15...she was at school and I was at College. Her school had banned a lot of the websites we used to contact each other. Using a mobile phone back then was a lot trickier in me. Now teachers just seem to accept it these days.
We also had a website we used called (which is still going!) where we both created a camel and used the messaging system on there to contact each other on lunches etc. However this site didn't always load properly at her school so sometimes we had issues. That was when Helen suggested a site she had joined a while before...called Neopets.
So I created a random pet....a "Kacheek" and named it Cheeky. That name was already in use (didn't see that one coming) so it became "cheeky20474"
On there we used "NeoMail" and it worked like a charm.
I started looking around the site more to cure boredom in lunches and on an evening at home. The games on there became addictive. You earn NeoPoints for the games you play...which you can then buy alsorts of things around the site. Battle equipment, Books, Train your pets, Buy things for your gallery, Buy a home, Make a shop to sell things to other users...etc etc etc.
I loved it! Helen and I became a bit obsessed...and even my then-boyfriend created an account to get in on it! Haha! It was great fun though. But then you get older, life gets in the way, you (hopefully) become more mature and "grow out" of these "kiddy" things...
It wasn't until I went to Newcastle to see Helen that one night she randomly said "OH MY GOD REMEMBER COOLCAMELS?!" and dived onto the computer and typed in the URL. We laughed and started talking about our camels names we made up that were beyond strange.
Hers was "Romanusfarticuscamelus" - Now if I remember this was when we were playing a game called Caesar 3 and we added US and ICUS on the end of everything to make it sound more "Roman".
So the words Roman, Fart and Camel became the above. See how mature we were back then? Haha. I was a goth back then....was "Gothica-Leigh"
Don't ask.
But our camels were pretty awesome. Our accounts were deleted due to lack of use after a few years but then Helen shouted "OH MY GOD AND NEOPETS!!!" and typed it in. Her account had been deleted.
I desperately tried to remember my user login details and sure enough...after a few attempts....low and behold my account was still active! We couldn't believe it and loads of memories came back. Like when Helen was determined to get every stamp possible for her Stamp Collection on the game. Practically impossible! She used to beg me to try and buy her stamps on it if I could...and I got as many as I could find for her. wasn't cheap either may I add!
We used to have battles in the battledome with our pets. She had a Flotsam called Flipper...and she used to fight it against Cheeky20474. However she had crappy weapons whereas mine did a lot of damage so she never won! But it used to say not to use inappropiate language whilst in battle...(you could talk to each other)...but Helen used to shout really abusive messages when she was losing and we always got away with it!
And then the games. It's crazy how little things brought back so many memories. Some of my favourites:
Meerca Chase 1 & 2, Turmac Roll, Kass Basher, Snowmuncher, Destruct-O-Match 2, Ultimate Bullseye 2, Tombola, Wheel of Excitement, Pyramids, Cheat!, Hasee Bounce......and many more!
We started playing them all over again...and we ended up being on the computer until 12.15am playing these games! But it was just so fun.
And I don't care if I am 23...I will still play them as it's a good laugh. Neopets has so many users...many of them youngsters...I feel I can now offer them advice on things. However there are hundreds of parents on Neopets too who play it whilst their kids are at school! It's just fun!
So if you have Neopets...feel free to add me as a friend! :) dizzydiana14
My page link:
And a piccy of my pet for the hell of it...

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